Erasmus+ Yetişkin Eğitimi Projemizin Dördüncü Ulus Ötesi Toplantısı Almanya'da yapıldı

İlçe Müdürlüğümüzün koordinatörlüğünde yürütülen Second Chance Employment European Re-
Training Adult Modules projesinin dördündüncü ulus ötesi proje toplantısı Almanya'nın Dorsten şehrinde 27-30 Ocak 2020 tarihlerinde gerçekleştirildi. Toplantıya  İtalya,İspanya,Litvanya,Romanya ve Almanya'dan proje ortağı kurumların temsilcilerinin yanında Türkiye'den de İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürü Cemil Akkaya ,Şube Müdürü Müjdat Yüksel ve Emin Öztürk katıldı. Toplantıda proje ortakları proje ile ilgili çalışmalarını ve faaliyetlerini sundular ayrıca ortak ülkelerdeki işe başvuru ve işe yerleştirme süreçleri hakkında kurum temsilcileri tarafından sunumlar yapıldı. Toplantının son gününde proje ortakları Gesamtshule Wulfen Gymnasium'a bir çalışma ziyareti gerçekleştirerek okul müdürü tarafından Alman eğitim sistemi hakkında proje ortakları bilgilendirildi.


The fourth transnational partner meeting of the SCE-TRAMEUR (Second Chance Employment European Re-Training adult Modules) took place in Dorsten, Germany. Project partners shared the results and feedback gathered during the  Launch Seminars that have been conducted by the members of the consortium in each partner country. Consortium members discussed topics related to project management, dissemination and quality management and agreed on actions to be carried out for ensuring proper exploitation and sustainability of project results. Project products, including the questionnares  and the interactive tools have been rated by the members of the target group as very useful and effective for boosting their sustainability performances, and for increasing their networking and collaboration potentials.

Also each partner country prepared a presentation about the employment rates,employment procedures and assesment ,employment institutions in their countries.Moreover such issues were discussed; What are the activities intended for the handicapped? What are the activities intended for the convicted? Which qualifications are required to attend vocational training courses? Are trainees required to make a payment for vocational training courses? What is the Duration of the Entrepreneurship Program? What is the Duration of Public Work Programs? Conditions for Participation in Programs  in each partner country.

  On the last day of the meeting the consortium members paid a visit to Gesamtshule Wulfen Gymnasium and informed by the head master about the school and the curriculum also the consortium members were informed about the employment opportunities of the students after graduation.

 Furthermore ,project partners discussed topics related to project management, dissemination and quality management and agreed on actions to be carried out for ensuring proper exploitation and sustainability of project results.The meeting was very productive with valuable discussions that were a great contribution to successful delivery of the next project tasks. All project activities have been properly scheduled for the next period and new deadlines were agreed.

The forthcoming partnership meeting will take place in Iasi, Romania, in May 2020. Until then, partners will work on the development of the guiding modules of the unemployed people.


Yayın Tarihi: 21.02.2020