Başiskele Kaymakamlığı Proje Koordinasyon Merkezi Direktörü Emin ÖZTÜRK ve Başiskele İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürümüz Cemil Akkaya "Divorced Family Syndrome In Student" projesi kapsamında Larisa Yunanistan'da proje çalışmalarına katıldılar. Divorced Family Syndrome In Student Project Greece workshop Day1 We have started the workshop of the Erasmus+ KA2 project "Divorced Family Syndrome in Student )" in Agiokampos, Larisa Greece. Emin ÖZTÜRK Director of Project Coordination Center ofBaşiskele Governorship made a presentation about National Directorate of Education Authority of Başiskele. After that Greek and Polish partners made their presentations about their organisations in the morning session of the workshop. In the afternoon, we had workshop about child and divorce: truths and myths, School attitude and divorced, Talking to children for divorced, Reactions of children during the period of divorce, Activities for parents to help their children deal with divorce, "Managing the emotions experienced by children of divorced parents through theatrical and visual expression" Day2 Consortium members visited Primary Schools in Tirnavos and they had Educational visit to Larisa (Alcazar Municipal Park, Garden Theater, Pinios River, Metropolitan Church of Saint Achillios, Fortress Hill, Ottoman Market-Bezesteni, Ancient Theater, Central Square of Larisa, Post Office Square). In the afternoon they had Workshop: "TravelIing in time by leaving balloons of our emotions in the sky" Day3 Partners paid a visit to the mineral water springs of Kokkino Nero village the tourist resort of Platamonas, the historical castle of Platamonas, the traditional village of Palaios Panteleimonas. In the afternoon session they had a Workshop about Experiential activity "the tango Kalibakio In the end we have come to an end of the first workshop of Divorced Family Syndrome in Student project in Greece. We got our certificates!! We would like to express our thanks to @Argiris Giouroukis who is the Director of Politstiko Kentro Ekpaideytikon Larisas (POKEL) - Greece and his friends Kalliopi Bakou, Yannis, Evdokia, Christo, Eleonora, Nikos, Chrissa, Vaso for their great hospitality and organisation of the workshop activities. And special thanks for Turkish group Mr. @Cemil Akkaya, @Emrah Ertuğrul, @Meltem Şeker, @Aynur Koyuncu, @Gürel Tutsoy and @Sedat Gürbüz we hope to meet again in the second workshop in Turkiye on April 2023