Başiskele İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğünün koordinatörlüğünde Almanya, İtalya, Romanya, İspanya ve Litvanya ile birlikte yürütülen Erasmus+ ''Second Chance Employment European Re-Training Adult Modules'' projesinin üçüncü ulus ötesi toplantısı İtalya'nın Sardinya adasındaki Lanusei şehrinde 10/12 Eylül 2019 tarihlerinde gerçekleştirildi.
The second transnational meeting under the Erasmus+ project "SECOND CHANCE EMPLOYMENT EUROPEAN RE-TRAINING ADULT MODULES" was held in Lanusei,Sardigna Italy between 10.09.2019 and 12.09.2019
It was an event that brought together representative participants from partners institutions involved in this strategic partnership. The host organization was'' Instituto D'Instruzione Superiore Leonardo Da Vinci from Italy and the project coordinator 'BIMEM' (Başiskele İlçe Milli Egitim Müdürlügü) was leading the meeting.
Emin ÖZTÜRK ,Sibel Çakıcı Ö. from Turkey,Roland Nies and Tekin Dagdelen from Germany,Cristina Victoria Chert ,Lacramıoara Stratulat from Romania ,Irma Viyukynaite, Aurimas Markevicius from Lithunia, Jose Ignacio Godinez de Paz, Manuel Espinosa Ramirez, Alberto Jose Martinez Uribe from Spain.Enza Balsemo,Anna Marongiu ,Antonio Piroddi,Maria Franca Campus,Anna Stochino,Antonella Monni,Giovanna Rabissoni from Italy attended the meeting.
As the questionnares and surveys targetting the disadvantaged groups are in progress, the discussions were exciting and fruitful. The partners managed to reach common solutions so they could create something really useful for the disadvantaged groups .Some of the decisions made concerned the surveys, content, visualization and structure.
We went through the evalution of all the before held project activites. We analyzed all the key points in the project and the realization of the project goals. We talked about the efficient ways which are going to help us achieve our wanted results. We agreed on how to better our dissemination activities for sustainbility of our project results. We analyzed the already used ways of communication and the problems we stumbled upon while working on the project activites.
During the second meeting we talked about the
- Feedbacks of the activities made: dissemination of the project, the website, the eTwinning platform, the Facebook page, the brochures.
- Establishing the strategies and the activities of the course in Romania, Turkey and Germany,Spain,Italy and Spain.
- Establishing the dissemination strategy to increase the visibility of the project: e-Twinning platform, Facebook page, website of the project, newspapers, website of each school, local community
We made discussions about: the interim report, budget, Mobility Tool and opinions sharing relating management and implementation of the Project.
We agreed and prepared all the necessities for the third mobility in Germany on 26th and 29th.of January. Generally, a great job has been done during the meeting
After the meeting we as all the Project partners paid a visit to Lanusei and nearby towns in Sardigna Island.
Lithunia news and Dissemination