

Başiskele İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğünün koordinatörlüğünde Başiskele Kaymakamlığı  ve Başiskele Halk Eğitim Merkezi Müdürlüğü işbirliği ile Almanya, İtalya, Romanya, İspanya ve Litvanya ile birlikte yürütülen Erasmus+ ''Second Chance Employment European Re-Training Adult Modules'' projesinin altıncı ve son ulus ötesi toplantısı Romanya'nın Yaş şehrinde 18-21 Kasım 2021 tarihlerinde gerçekleştirildi. Toplantıya Türkiye'yi temsilen Başiskele İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürü Cemil Akkaya ,Başiskele Kaymakamlığı Proje Koordinasyon Merkezi Direktörü Emin ÖZTÜRK ,Başiskele Halk Eğitim Merkezi Müdürü Hasan Dalkıran ve Başiskele İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü Proje Uzmanı Nihat Sert katılırken Romanya'dan CRCE Direktörü Cristina Chert, Yaş Ulusal Müzesi Müdürü ,Lacramioara Stratulat ve proje ekibi Almanya'dan ise BCN Direktörü Roland Nies ve ekibi katıldı. Pandemi kısıtlamaları nedeniyle Litvanya, İtalya ve İspanyadaki proje ortakları toplantıya çevrimiçi katılım sağladılar. Proje kapsamında Başiskele ilçesinde dezavantajlı gruplara yönelik tıbbi aromatik bitkiler yetiştiriciliği, tıbbi dokümantasyon ve sekreterlik ve E ticaret eğitimleri verilerek eğitim alan kişilerin istihdamı desteklendi. Almanya'da  göçmenlere yönelik  marangozluk ve  elektrik tesisatçılığı gibi eğitimler, Romanya'da kadınların istihdamına yönelik kurslar, Litvanya'da kanser hastası çocukların ebeveynlerine istihdama yönelik kurslar İtalya ve İspanya'da ise göçmenlerin istihdamına yönelik çeşitli eğitimler verildi.

The sixth  and final Transnational Project  Meeting under the Erasmus+  project "SECOND CHANCE EMPLOYMENT EUROPEAN RE-TRAINING ADULT MODULES" was held in Iasi ,Romania between 18.11.2021 and 21.11.2021.It was an event that brought together representative participants from partners institutions involved in this strategic partnership. The host organization was''CRCE  and the project coordinator 'BIMEM' (Başiskele İlçe Milli Egitim Müdürlügü) was leading the meeting.Cemil Akkaya, Emin ÖZTÜRK,Nihat Sert and Hasan Dalkıran  from Turkey,Roland Nies ,Tekin Dagdelen  and Çetin Dağdelen from Germany attended the meeting. Lithunian ,Spanish  and Italian teams was not able to attend the Project meeting because of pandemic restrictions in their countries they attended online meeting instead.The main topics of the meeting were the project activities realised from january 2020 till the meeting date and during the pandemic .

Each partner country delegation made a presentation and explained the activities that being held during this one and half year period. On behalf of project coordinator Mr. Emin ÖZTÜRK talked about the training courses which were held in Basiskele .Over one hundred trainees attended E -Trade  Medicine Auromatic Plants and Medical Secreteriat and Documentation trainings which were organised by Basiskele İlçe Milli Egitim Müdürlügü on the scope of the "SECOND CHANCE EMPLOYMENT EUROPEAN RE-TRAINING ADULT MODULES" project in 2021.

German team presented about their activities about training 17 refugees on carpentery and  informed that six of them got employed.

Lithunian team presented their activities about women who learned handycrafts and their activities and how to help them to sell their products. After the presentation of activities ,delegations  went through evalution of all the before held project activites and alyzed all the key points in the project and the realization of the project goals. Project teams talked about the efficient ways which are going to help us achieve our wanted results and  agreed on how to better our dissemination activities for sustainbility of our project results. Represantatives of three countries  analyzed the already used ways of communication and the problems we stumbled upon while working on the project activites.

On the second day of the meeting the delegation focused on final report and Erasmus Project results platform. Emin Öztürk from Turkey explained them how to write the final report and how to use Erasmus Project Results Platform.

On the last day of the meeting project partners made discussions about mobility tool system, budget, and dissemination and sustainability strategies.Furthermore ,project partners discussed topics related to project management, dissemination and quality management and agreed on actions to be carried out for ensuring proper exploitation and sustainability of project results. Generally, a great job has been done during the project meeting  and it was very productive with valuable discussions that were a great contribution to successful delivery of the next project tasks.

 In the afternoon of the last day of the meeting the consortium members paid a visit to  Iasi National Museum and  historic city center.

Yayın Tarihi: 09.12.2021